Sunday, 1 June 2014

Scavenger Hunt Project

1. Common Name: Crow (Ashreet)
Description: Pitch black in colour, grows upto 21 inches long, strong bills and legs, has a 'fan shaped tail' when in flight, warm-blooded, body covered with feathers and its forelimbs modified into wings, a four-chambered heart, keen sense of hearing, light feathers with great strength, and some scales. The crow has very hollow bones as well. 
Symmetry: Bilateral symmetry
Skeleton: Endoskeleton
Ecology: The ecology of a crow is that it is the predator for many different small animals such as snails, mussels, small birds, eggs, rabbits, mice, toads, crayfish, and snakes.

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Corvidae
Genus Corvus

2. Common Name: Ochre Starfish (Ashreet)
Description: Depth of about 3 inches, with 5 arms of about 6 inches in length all arranged around a central disk. This species has a double row of tube feet with suckers on the distal ends that allow them to attach their bodies to the rocky substrate. The color of this starfish was a deep purple. Spiny skin, primitive nervous system with an advanced coelum.
Symmetry: Peptaradial symmetry
Skeleton: Endoskeleton modified into calcium carbonate plates.
Ecology: Ochre starfish are the top predators in the tide pool and they consume a large variety of organisms.

Phylum Echinodermata
Kingdom Animalia
Class Asteroidea
Order Forcipulatida
Family Asteriidae
Genus Pisaster
Species P. ochraceus

3. Common Name: Red Rock Crab (Ashreet)
Description: Size is approximately 7 inches in width and 5 inches in length, 5 pairs of legs, round body, has broad carapace teeth, rounded 'teeth' bordering the edge of its wide carapace, large pincers with black tips, brick red color, segmented and soft bodied, jointed appendages, open circulatory system.
Symmetry: Bilateral symmetry
Skeleton: Hard, flexible exoskeleton
Ecology: The Red Rock Crab is an omnivore, and feeds primarily on algae, and any other food including mollusks, worms, and crustacea
ns, fungi, bacteria, depending on the availability.

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Infraorder Brachyura
Family Cancridae
Genus Cancer
Species C. productus

4. Common Name: Bald Eagle (Ashreet)
Description: Dark brown plumage with a white head and white tail. The tail has a wedged shape and is fairly long and the beak and feet are bright yellow. The toes are short and the talons are large. Body length is about 28-40 inches. Wingspan is anywhere between 1.8 to 2.3 metres, and the mass is between 6.6 and 13.9 lbs. 

Symmetry: Bilateral symmetry
Skeleton: Endoskeleton
Ecology: The ecology of the bald eagle is it is a carnivore which means its a
predator for many different prey. Bald eagles are powerful fliers with hollow skeletons to make flight easier.

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Accipitriformes
Family Accipitridae
Genus Haliaeetus
Species H. leucocephalus

5. Common Name: Flathead Clingfish (Ashreet)
Description: Reddish brown in color, cryptic coloration, 12 cm in length, found under a large rock with a very small amount of 
water, broad flattened head with a narrow, tapered body, smooth and scaleless skin with a thick layer of 
protective mucus, specially modified fins on the underside of the head to allow the fish to suck onto the 
underside of rocks in shallow water. 
Symmetry: Bilateral symmetry
Skeleton: Endoskeleton
Ecology: An interesting feature of this clingfish is that it is able to attach itself to the underside of large rocks for its protection.

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Superorder Acanthopterygii
Order Gobiesociformes
Suborder Gobiesocoidei
Family Gobiesocidae

6. Common Name: Nudibranch (Ashreet)
Description: Soft, unsegmented body, absent shell, thick muscular foot, secretes mucous to slide upon, eyes on the ends of the tentacles, 3cm in length and 0.5 cm in width black in colour.
Symmetry: Bilateral symmetry
Skeleton: Endoskeleton
Ecology: Slugs are like all other gastropods, as they undergo torsion which is when the internal organs of the organism twist 180 degrees during its development. Slugs are preyed upon by a myriad of vertebrates and invertebrates. They feed on many organic materials, including leaves from living plants, mushrooms, carrion, vegetables, herbs, and even flowers.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Molluska
Class: Gastropoda

7. Common Name: Velvety Red Sponge (Ashreet)
Description: Reddish orange in color, very flat and hard but soft and velvety to the touch, small pores about 2 mm wide cover the entire surface of the organism, no specific shape or size, looks very similar to a splash of color on a rock. 
Symmetry: no defined shape 
Skeleton: Endoskeleton
Ecology: These sponges are filter feeders and feed on shrimp, crabs, and any small similar organisms. Their predators are nudibranchs, snails, and sea stars. 

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongiae
Order Poecilosclerida
Family Clathriidae
Subclass Ceractinomorpha
Genus Ophlitaspongia
Species Pennata

8. Common Name: Bristle worm (Ashreet)
Description: Light brown color with a brownish pink color at the end, segmented with limited anterior specialization, cylindrical, true coelemate, ventral nerve cord with anterior "brain", soft bodied, mouth and anus, setae, moves with circular muscles, about 9 inches in length, few bristles. 
Symmetry: Bilateral symmetry
Skeleton: no skeleton
Ecology: Earthworms rapidly consume compost material. The large burrows of earthworms allow rain water easy entry into the soil, increasing the infiltration rate of soil. Their burrows also allow roots to move easily through the soil into new spaces.

Kingdom Animalia 
Phylum Annelida 
Class Oligocheata

9. Common Name: Common Pacific Littleneck (Ashreet)
Description: Short siphons, about 2-3 inches in length, tinted white with brown markings, finely textured surface, mantle to secrete the thick shell, white interior, rigid edges, round oval like shape, strong foot for digging.
Symmetry: Bilateral
Skeleton: No skeleton
Ecology: The common pacific littleneck clam is a source of food to various species and is also highly valued by collectors. Each valve on this clam has about 3 to 4 teeth.

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Mollusca
Class Bivalvia
Order Veneroida
Family Veneridae
Genus Mercenaria
Species M. mercenaria

10. Common Name: Oyster (Ashreet)
Description: A central adductor muscle with the characteristic central shell scar. The size is 3-15cm and they filter water through their hard shell. The shell is oval or pear-shaped, but will vary widely in form depending on what they are attached to. 
Symmetry: Bilateral symmetry
Skeleton: Exoskeleton
Ecology: The number of species is 150. Oysters provide a habitat for hundreds of species such as the sea anemones, barnacles, and hooked mussels. They are a keystone species and hosts of many animals live in the nooks between the shells.

Kingdom Animalia
Class Bivalvia 
Phylum Mollusca 
Order Ostreoida
Family Ostreidae

11. Common Name: Fucus (Ashreet)
Description: Grow in large bunches, resemble 'fingers', color is a dark blackish brown with a yellow-green tip. Growth rate is very fast and these algae can reach large heights, perennial with an irregular or disc-shaped 
Skeleton: no skeleton present
Ecology: The relationship with other organisms is that it gives food as well as shelter or habitats for a large number of small animals. Also, focus is effective in absorbing nutrients and minerals from the seawater.

Kingdom Chromalveolata
Phylum Heterokontophyta
Class Phaeophyceae
Order Fucales
Family Fucaceae
Genus Fucus

11. Common Name: Marine Isopod (Ashreet)
Description: Segmented with jointed appendages, two pairs of antennae, 5 pairs of legs and 14 jointed limbs, and has a cephlothorax with a flat plated body about 1-3 cm in length.
Skeleton: Hard flexible exoskeleton
Ecology: They are prey to many organisms. Some have the ability to change colors. Large population of scavengers; some are also predatory.

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Sub-phylum Crustacea
Class Malacostraca
Order Isopoda

12. Common Name: Clam (Maveena)
Description: Clams are found in the coastal waters of the sea and in shallow freshwater lakes and streams. They feed on plankton by filter feeding and include a open circulatory system. Also clams take 24 - 30 months to become harvestable. Many edible clams are rougly oval -shaped or triangular. Razor clams have an elongated, parallel -sided shell. In size they are 15 - 20 centimeters.
Symmetry: Bilateral
Skeleton: Exoskeleton
Ecology: Clams are a major source of food worldwide. They play a key role in food chains and filter plankton from the water.

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Mollusca Class Bivalvia Order Veneroida Family Veneridae

13. Common Name: Green Algae (Maveena)
Description: They are a large group of algae from which the embryophytes emerged. They and green in colour and photosynthetic. Green algae may be unicellular, colonial, multicellular or filamentous. Green algae are the ancestors to earths terrestrial plants. They include cell walls consisting of cellulose. They range in size and shape.
Symmetry: Radially
Ecology: Green algae are found in diverse habitats all over the world. Most inhabitat temperate and freshwater environments. The rest are marine and terrestrial forms; living on moist soils, moist rocks and some in snow-covered areas. Some terrestrial forms are specialized as lichens, close relationship with algae and fungus or living on animal such as turtles or sloths. There are 8000 species of green algae.
Kingdom Plantae Class Chlorophyceae Phylum Chlorophyta Order Zygnematales Family Desmidraceae

14. Common Name: Hermit Crab (Raj)
Description: Hermit Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the superfamily Paguroida. It's body is a entire soft muscle, And contracts to fit its shells.  It also does not have an odor. The Hermit Crabs' Shell is the most important thing for its survival. As it grows, It finds or takes over suitable size shells from others. Some of the species can live over 70 years, and become as big as a Coconut, But its average size is around 3 inches. Also, There are 1100 different species.The colours of the Hermit Crab are orange-red, with the colour of the shell being many.
Symmetry: Bilateral
Skeleton: Exoskeleton
Ecology: Hermit Crabs are found all over the world and mostly on the coast of oceans. They like to live under the rocks for protection. The relationships the Hermit Crab has are with snails (They take their shells), Other Hermit Crabs (Hunt and find shells in groups), And even humans as they are kept as pets.      
Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Malacostraea
Phylum: Arthropoda
Order: Decapoda    

15. Common Name: Oligocottus (Raj)
Oligocottus are found along the Pacific Coasts of the United States, Mexico, And Canada. They are usually found in intertidal rocky zones. They are small Cottids, that have no scales and 7-9 Dorsal Spines. They reach around 8.9 cm.Males are a lot bigger than females and eat a lot more. They're also known as bottom developing Carnivores. Many Oligocottus have different colours. But the one seen was Brownish-Black.
Symmetry: Bilateral
Skeleton: No anal spines, 8-10 accesory spines from base
Ecology: The Oligocottus usually lives alone and does not stay with other members. They develop through the stages: Larval, Post Larval, Juvenile, and Adult stage. After it is out of its egg, It swims off looking for food. The most common food it eats is Gannmerid Amphipods, Polychetaes, Shrimp, and small Crabs.

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Actinopterygi
Phylum: Chordata
Order: Scorpaeniformes
Family: Cottidae

16. Common Name: Acorn Barnacle (Raj)
Description: A Barnacle is a type of Arthropod belonging to Infraclass Cirripedia in the Subphylum Crustecea. They are mostly marine, And live in shallow and tidal waters all around the world. They are Sessile Suspension feeders, And there are 1220 different species. The average size is around 3 cm, And are roundly shaped. They can be found in shallow waters, land, and very deep waters. The colours of the Barnacle were ranging from a Peach-White to Orange.
Ecology: Barnacles attach to any hard substance, For example rocks and shells. They dwell inside their shells attached to the substance. They have many predators, And use techniques like Swamping to try and survive.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Crustacea
Class: Maxillopoda
Subclass: Thecostraca
Infraclass: Cirripedia

17. Common Name: Slug (Raj)
Description: Brownish-Black Shell-less terrestrial gastropod mollusc. Slugs can be found in land, or the sea. The slug can reach to be about 13 cm long. During development, Slugs undergo torsion, which is an 180 degree twisting of the internal development, due to it not having any bones. The body is soft and slimy and are prone to desiccation, so land living slugs must retreat to damp areas when the weather is dry.
Slugs have two pairs of feelers on their head, the upper part containing eye spots, and the lower containing a sense of smell. The most common colours of Slugs are Black and Brown.
Ecology: Most slugs feed on organic materials, including leaves from living plants. Slugs are also predators, and eat other Slugs, Snails, and Earthworms. Slugs are hunted by Reptiles, Birds, Fish, Mammals, and Amphibians. They can also be infected by parasites including Acans, and Nematodes.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Gastropoda

18. Common Name: Seagull (Raj)
Description: Seagull species range from 29 cm, to 76 cm and are more commonly white and brown. They are uniform in shape, Have heavy bodies, With long necks and wings. The tail of the bird is usually rounded, and the entire body is covered with feathers. The bill of the Seagull is yellow and red, and slightly in a hook shape.
Symmetry: Bilateral
Skeleton: Exoskeleton
Ecology: The Seagull does not make a full nest like the common crow, The Seagull gathers some sticks and grasses and bunches them up on sand. Seagulls hunt for worms, rotten eggs, reptiles, amphibians, plants, human refuse, and even other birds.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Charadriformes
Suborder: Lari
Family: Laridae

19. Common Name: Sea Cucumber (Ashreet)
Description: 3-12 inch cylinder in size, Buccalpodia with sticky ends to suspension feed, mouth and anus, and spiny skin.
Skeleton: Endoskeleton with small spicules which are scattered throughout the skin.
Symmetry: secondary bilateral.
Ecology: The sea cucumber is capable of regenerating its gut, Pearlfish are able to live in its back passage, clean seabed, and the juvenile stages provide food for small fish.

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Echinodermata
Class Holothuroidea

20. Common Name: Black Prickelback (Ashreet)
Description: shape is similar to an eel or snake, slender body, 5-10 inch body, large hinged jaw, closed gill slits, air bladder, and scales.
Skeleton: Endoskeleton of bone
Symmetry: Bilateral
Ecology: Black Prickelbacks can stay out of the water for 10-23 if they are kept moist. They prey on crabs, worms, and some algae. Some predators include sea birds, eels, and larger fish.

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Superclass Osteichthyes
Class Actinopterygii
Order Perciformes
Family Stichaeidae
Genus Xiphister
Species Xiphister atropurpureus

21. Common Name: Sargassum (Ashreet)
Description: A large form of brown algae, generally inhabits shallow waters, can grow very long (several meters in length), usually dark brown or dark green in colour, includes a 'holdfast' (root-like structure that anchors aquatic sessile organisms), a 'stipe' (stem-like part), and a 'frond' (large, divided leaf). Rough, sticky texture, flexible body that can withstand stronger water currents.
Skeleton: no skeleton
Symmetry: Bilateral symmetry
Ecology: The thick mass of the Sargassum organism provides an environment for a distinct group of marine animals as well as plants. Sargassum is consumed by herbivorous fish and Echinoids. This plant grows subtidally and is able to attach to coral, rocks, or shells in exposed or sheltered rocky areas.

Kingdom Chromalveolata
Phylum Heterokontophyta
Class Phaeophyceae
Order Fucales
Family Sargassaceae
Genus Sargassum

BONUS: Photo of parasitism (barnacles on a Red Rock Crab)

A picture multiple species: Bristle worm (Annelida) and Hermit Crab (Arthropoda) inside of a Bivalvia

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